yes i will yes

so these terrible things happen to us.

and then what?

is it the quality of the torture that determines whether a person survives or is it the quality of the person? doesn't that sound absolutely evil to you? rating people on account of how much torture they can overcome or forbear. i can't help feeling that the dominant cultures are always warlike cultures and we keep looping back to that and going, omg! now what do we do? as if we are surprised. warlike cultures have as their purpose and pride ~ competition, defensiveness and stoicism.

i'm not sayiing that these qualities are useless or terrible in themselves but i imagine that people might have some chance at interpersonal happiness if competition were always taught in balance with merciful compassion; if defensiveness was always understood to be a delicate sensitivity that can easily pass into paranoia and a lone soul can never know for sure how far she has fallen into the pit of despond because defensiveness in its absolute form is a complete immersion in thanatos: the end - so you gotta have friends who periodically reset their clocks in sync with yours; and if stoicism were practices in seamless cyclicity with dyonisianism. ah, futurity beckons. what will the new age be like?

how is the green concept of a new earth different than the blackcoated politicians concept of the new world order? are they two sides of one coin? are we going to have to learn to get along with each other? right now that seems so incredibly unlikely but what about the next generation? surely someone who grows up watching sponge bob is not going to be freaked out by gay and/or interracial marriage and concepts of lateral communication and cooperative management of resources.

question: really? do you really think that there cannot exist a sociopsychopathpederastinfantilesadisticparanoidmurderousschizophrenic who watches sponge bob?

diana: yeah, really.

question: what about disney land?

diana: not the same thing, you don't watch disneyland, you go there.

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