not so fast

it's peculiar. you wait for a long time for something but by the time you get it, you already want something else. this causes a plethora of symptoms having to do with desire and the impossibility of satisfaction. i think that's at the core of all addictions: a sort of perfectionism, an inability to accept the flawed nature of the self and others. a desire to end desire by fulfilling desire. an inability to accept the unquenchable nature of desire, to live the tightrope of perpetual splendors of desire. breathe and you foment more desire.

question: do you think they will acquit you?

diana: no. i have trust issues.

question: but you think they should.

diana: of course. everyone allows for self defense. if someone is threatening your life then you have to decide, will i let them take my life from me, or will i fight back.

question: non-violence is not an option?

diana: women are about two hundred years behind men, maybe three. we aren't up to non-violence yet. you have to go through warriorship to understand and implement peace. women are still on the threshold of willingness to take their violence and open it up to discipline in order to transcend it. shall i tell you the history of the world?

question: sure. should i ask you how you know?

diana: i read a lot. the world starts out like a crazy puzzle. figure you are dropped here in spirit and you don't know how anything works, everything is a toy, an experiment, an experience but lots of this is high risk and there's a lot of casualties what with people sticking their hands in the fire. but you develop some interesting awarenesses. there's language always and usually some sort of star analysis and with that a calculation of time based on the sun and moon. the cultures inundated with sun, those around the equators, seem to be less interested in the sun. the more northern lands built the round temples which were really nothing but a huge sundial that measures days and years instead of minutes and hours.

so then we get fire and that takes us ahead pretty fast to a new plane but i think in general women were sort of bossing the general social scene. however, a little after fire comes metals and that's when the men really take off running. once force is refined to the point of complex weaponry then you even have the basis for a hierarchy of work and the concept of military groups begins... so there's a lot of war for a long time and the men end up running things because women are basically interested in making life and though we have been successfully enslaved and given away almost all of our power individually, you cannot eradicate the feminine or the female from truth.

so now what? women are poised to come forward again and at least share power with men but our habits of power are prehistoric and actually more neanderthal than the men we joke about being. women's way of power is kill or be killed. you're on my side or you are on the other side. men are far more flexible after centuries of working together fighting they have come to realize that interpersonal relationships require a lot of flex, bend and flex, bend and flex. that's the key.

question: to the history of the world?

diana: bend and flex will inherit, yes.

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